Mouse & Lion by Rand Burkert
Title: Mouse & Lion
Genre: Traditional Literature (Fable)
Author: Rand Burkert
Illustrator: Nancy Ekholm Burkert
Major Awards: Booklist Editors’ Choice: Books for Youth
Age group: Ages 5-9
Mouse & Lion is a story of an encounter between the two, Mouse and Lion. Mouse stumbles into the sleeping Lion and wakes him from his slumber. Mouse automatically becomes the first item on Lion’s menu. Begging for his life, Mouse promises to be loyal and brave, if Lion releases him. Lion was merciful and allowed Mouse to live. A year later, Lion found himself trapped in a hunter’s trap and to his surprise, Mouse arrived to his aid. After the loyal Mouse helped Lion escape, Lion thanked Mouse and was later admiring all the small creatures he once may have thought of as insignificant.
Reason why I would use this book in my classroom:
This book is a great example for students to realize that even though they are young, small children, they are capable of helping others. This can also teach them to appreciate the small things in life, just because they are small does not mean that they are not important. Mouse was a lot smaller than Lion, but he was able to help him whenever Lion really needed help. Lion was then very grateful and acknowledge the little animals because in a way they are important in life.
Appropriate grade level:
Grades 1st to 4th grade.
How I might use this book in my classroom:
This would be a great book to read aloud during circle time and then give the students time to really process what happens in this story and what was meaningful for them. It depends what grade level I am teaching but I would just use this time for reflecting and journal time. With 1st graders, I can ask them to draw pictures of small things they are thankful for, such a teddy bear they might really love or a doll. With 4th graders, I can ask them to do a quick write journal entry and help them reflect on little things they are thankful for, such as a pair of shoes their parents bought them.
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