The Three Billy Goats Gruff by Paul Galdone
Title: The Three Billy Goats Gruff
Genre: Traditional Literature (Folktales)
Author: Paul Galdone
Awards: None found for this book
Age group: Ages 4-6
The Three Billy Goats Gruff is a story of three billy goat brothers that that lived on a hillside near a river. They eventually ate all the grass on their side of the river and needed to seek for a new field to feed from. One of the brothers noticed that the field across the river was within reach and had plenty of grass to eat. They knew that crossing the bridge would mean encountering the awful smelling troll that lived under the bridge so one by one they crossed the bridge. As the smallest billy goat crossed first, the troll threatened to eat him. The smallest billy goat suggested that the troll not eat him and that he could wait and have a bigger meal with his middle brother who was larger than him. The troll allowed him to cross and the middle billy goat brother then proceeded to the bridge. The same threat was made to the middle billy goat brother by the troll but the middle billy goat brother also suggested that the troll not eat him and wait for the bigger brother to cross, as he would be an even bigger meal. The troll also allowed him to cross and waited for the biggest billy goat brother. Once attempting to cross the bridge, the troll threatened to eat great billy goat brother but great big billy goat gruff did not fear the troll and fended off the troll and rammed him off into the river. The billy goats were then able to roam freely and the troll was never seen again.
Reason why I would use this book in my classroom:
I would use this book in my classroom to teach my students about greed and how it can be an unpleasant character.
Also, this is a great book to teach kids about different sizes.
Appropriate grade level:
Kindergarten to 1st grade.
How I might use this book in my classroom:
I can use this book to teach the different sizes between the billy goats and make little pictures of the three of them.
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