A Full Moon is Rising by Marilyn Singer


Title: A Full Moon is Rising 

Genre: Poetry 

Author: Marilyn Singer 

Illustrator: Julia Cairns 

Major Awards: No major awards found for this book 

Age group: 6 to 10 years old 



This is a collection of poems that takes you all over the world to see the way people celebrate a full moon. This book collection also has poems that teaches about beliefs and facts about the full moon.  


An appropriate grade level for this poem collection would be 3rd and 4th grade because it falls more in the educational category of regarding than fun and story line books. I would use this book in my classroom because it will be a great book to use to teach my students about the different facts about a full moon. I would use this book in a lesson plan where I’m teaching them about the different phases of the moon. We can draw our full moons and write something we learned about the moon. 


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