A Giraffe and A Half by Shel Silverstein


Title: A Giraffe and A Half 
Genre: Poetry 
Author: Shel Silverstein 
Major Awards: None found 
Age group: Ages 4-8 


This is a funny poem about a giraffe that all throughout the poem gains a silly item, only to lose them all at the end. 


An appropriate grade level for this book would be Pre-K to 1st grade because it is an easy read with no particular story line. I would definitely use this book in my classroom because it is a fun book and it will entertain my students. This is a great book for those students that are learning to read because all the rhyming can help them with their phonological awareness. I can include this book in a rhyming lesson plan by modeling exactly what this book is doing. I will let my students choose their favorite animal and let them create their own silly rhyming poem. 



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