Fred Stays with Me! by Nancy Coffelt


Title: Fred Stays with Me!  

Genre: Contemporary Realistic Fiction 

Author: Nancy Coffelt

Illustrator: Tricia Tusa 

Major Awards: No major awards found for this book

Age group: Ages 5-9



This book is about the connection and relationship between a little girl and her dog. Since her parents are divorced, sometimes she stays with her dad or sometimes she stays with her mom. Regardless of where she stays, her dog is always with her. 


Appropriate grade levels for this book would be Kindergarten to 3rd grade. I would not necessarily use this book for instruction purposes, but I can probably use it for read alouds between transition of activities. Since this book is related to more of a personal theme, I would want to do at least a fun read aloud because you never know if a student might be going through this situation.


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