Henry's Freedom Box by Ellen Levine

Title: Henry’s Freedom Box

Genre: Historical Fiction 

Author: Ellen Levine 

Illustrator: Kadir Nelson 

Major Awards: Caldecott Honor Book

Age group: Ages 7-12



This picture book tells the story of Henry “Box” Brown’s life. His biggest fear was to be separated from his loved one, and once he was separated from his wife and kids, he decided to mail himself inside a crate to a place where there were no slaves. Henry achieved his goal at the end and made it to Philadelphia.  


Appropriate grade levels for this book would be first grade to 5th grade because the topic of this book is historic, and it has a higher-grade level interest. The illustrations in this book were beautiful and made every detail from their bodies come alive, I felt like there were alive people right in front of me. I would definitely use this book in my classroom if I was teaching Social Studies and teaching about the Underground Railroad topic. I could use this book as a way to show a personal experience during the Underground Railroad times


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