Papa's Mechanical Fish by Candace Fleming
Title: Papa’s Mechanical Fish
Genre: Historical Fiction
Author: Candace Fleming
Illustrator: Boris Kulikov
Major Awards: No Major Awards
Age group: Ages 4-8
This story is based on the true creator of submarines, Lodner Phillips. Papa loves creating new things, but he has never actually created something that works, until the day he decides to take his family fishing on Lake Michigan. His daughter gives him the greatest idea of creating something that could show how it is to be a fish. After many different inventions, he finally gets it right, and creates a submarine.
Appropriate grade levels for this book would be Kinder to 3rd grade. I love how the authors of this book wrote this book based on the life and creation of Lodner Phillips. It is a fun book that gives the story of how submarines came into creation. I would probably use this book in my classroom if I was teaching social studies or science. I would only use it as a fun read aloud in order to help my students connect the invention of submarines and new things to my lectures.
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