The Undefeated by Kwame Alexander

Title: The Undefeated 

Genre: Poetry, Nonfiction 

Author: Kwame Alexander

Illustrator: Kadir Nelson  

Major Awards: Coretta Scott King, Caldecott Medal  

Age group: 6 to 9 years old 



This picture book from Kwame Alexander contained a beautiful poem dedicated to African American heroes that helped shape life for African Americans in the United States. Some of the main topics it talked about was slavery and the civil rights movement. It not only highlighted African American heroes from the past but those that also till this day continue fighting.  


Appropriate grade level would be 1st to 4th grade. 

I knew that Kadir Nelson’s beautiful illustrations weren’t going to disappoint me (they never do). I don’t know what he does but all his illustrations look so real. I loved the way he painted the people so vivid and the way he incorporated other items all throughout the people as well. 

I would definitely use this book in my classroom, especially during Black History Month. I can probably let my students pick somebody that was illustrated in the book and let them talk about what their person did for African Americans in the United States. 



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